Sleep is the time when our brain invokes its ‘automatic daily spring cleaning’. Like anyone who has performed spring cleaning or any form of cleaning or tidying up will know that you need to have a set process which you follow. For instance, you will need to sort out and group items along the lines of keep, recycle, junk etc. and then ‘bag’ them and take them where they need to be. Thereafter you will literally clean the house, dust, wipe, vacuum before you do any repairs or touch up with paintwork, etc. and then rearrange the contents.
In this series, I will be examining why it’s the quality and not the quantity of sleep we have is crucial to the health and well-being of our mental and physical body. This series comprises:
- PART 1: Why Spring Cleaning the Mind is Necessary
- PART 2: Spring Cleaning Sleep Cycle
- PART 3: The Right Amount of Sleep
- PART 4: How to achieve quality Sleep
Part 4: How to Achieve Quality Sleep
Chances are that if you are suffering from sleep-related issues, you have probably read website after website, spoken to this expert and that expert and even tried some of the things that have been recommended. Only to find that after all that time and effort, what you thought was a promising solution turned out anything but.
There are copious studies on sleep, particularly its disruption across age groups, with virtually all advising medicinal intervention as the first option. While this may work for somewhere there is a genuine physical reason for the oversleep and disruptive sleep, such as the sustained pain of tooth decay or infection such as flu, for the majority, it is not the ideal solution. Unfortunately, the perceived wisdom continues to drive them towards either medication of increasing strength, only to have to deal with the devastating side effects such as addiction.
The medicinal option may still have value as a temporary measure, but just as a means to ‘dampen down’ the emotional reaction. Thereafter, sufferers are offered psychiatric help. Whilst this may help, it is a slow long-winded process. There are other options that can be considered that include Holistic therapies, variations of Cognitive-Based Therapies, Mindfulness-based exercises such as Yoga and Tai Chi, Life Style adjustment such a diet. However there is limited data on their effectiveness for the long term, and, they fail to address the root cause of the oversleep and disruptive sleep.
When I explain the above to clients who come to me to help them achieve restive and quality sleep, they feel that it is not an issue but on attempting it find that no matter how much logic or rationale they apply, they simply cannot break through and ironically in some cases it makes it worse. The prime reason is that the root cause of their sleep disorder is founded on emotional disruption and it is this that renders all their efforts fruitless.
There could be many reasons why they cannot access the root such as the emotional intensity associated with the heart of the issue and predominately because they are personally affected.
As an example, take your mind back to when you observed two parties having a significant disagreement. As an outside observer, you are not emotionally involved and there is no personal interest in the outcome, you could logically determine the rationale of both parties, get to the root of the disagreement and evaluate options that would appease both resolving the disagreement amicably and fairly.
There is an option that is both quicker to become effective and with a longer term desired outcome, Hypnotherapy.
With the help of Edensgate Hypnotherapy, the root of the oversleep and disruptive sleep are determined, transformed even eradicated completely. Working at the unconscious, we first bring awareness and understanding to the pattern of thoughts, fears and actions that drive the habit. Then addressing the thoughts and fears, the pattern can be broken or weakened allowing them to be replaced with more productive, positive and powerful ones that add value to your life including good mental and physical well-being.